Analysis Sufism From The Main Character In Novel ”Khotbah Di Atas Bukit” by Kuntowijoyo
Literature is an imitation, or reflection, or
representation of the world and human life. Literature we can sees through a
literary work, like poem, short stories, and novel. In novel present many story
of the world and human life, at least about social, religion and the others. In
novel Khotbah Di Atas Bukit by
Kuntowijoyo tells us about Sufism, Sufism is a part of religion. Therefore, in the analysis of novel Khotbah Di Atas Bukit by Kuntowijoyo, I
will focus on Sufism in the main character.
According to Khanam (2009) Sufism is the name
given to mysticism in Islam. The term Sufism embraces the philosophy and
practices which aim at direct communion between God and man, and those who
practice Sufism are called Sufis. Different with Khanam that said Sufism is the
name given to mysticism in Islam, Hanieh (2011) said Sufism is represents a
current that intersects with the tenets and the fundamentals embraced by all
religions. From two opinions about Sufism I would like to say that Sufism not
only in Islam, but all of Religions. Sufism is a way to find a comfort, peace
by leaving or go away from the luxury.
Khotbah Di Atas Bukit
by Kuntowijoyo tells about a man was named Barman who want to live in the hill.
In his life in the hill, he is found a man that can influence his mind. Finally,
Barman wants to be like this man and follow all of what the man do before.
Kuntowijoyo in Khotbah Di Atas Bukit
want to explain how a human need a comfort, peace, and so on out of human job.
In reality, an urban human wants to live in a nature for a comfort and peace.
Here, we can see that Barman’s desire to get a comfort, peace should leave all
of luxury ever. The way to get it is like a Sufism to find comfort and peace.
on the theory, the novel Khotbah Di Atas
Bukit by Kuntowijoyo will be analysis about Sufism, especially for main
character. The main character in this novel is Barman. Barman is an old man
unruly, often traveling alone, at least around the hill, curiosity, and want to
get a comfort, peace in the last of his life. The journey of Barman was started
when Bobi, his son give a gift to him. It is a house in the hill.
“Pap, ini persembahan untukmu.” Sebuah rumah dengan
latar belakang semak-semak. Rumah dibukit. Barman dibawa dengan segera meninjau
tempat itu. Dapat dikatakan Barman jatuh cinta pada rumah itu.” (Chapter 1: 18)
this quotation is describing about a gift from Bobi to his father. The gift is
a house in the hill with bushes background. The first sight Barman falling in
love immediately. In his planning to live there, Bobi offer a woman was named
Popi to accompany him in the hill, and Barman agrees it.
“Menurut pikiran anaknya, Popi adalah perempuan yang
tepat untuk menemaninya menghabiskan masa pension, dan barangkali sampai akhir
hidupnya. Di gunung itu, perempuan, sebagaimana Bobi tahu betul, tak boleh
tidak bersedia.” (Chapter 1: 6)
his life in the hill with a woman he is enjoy it, firstly, but after some time
he fell bore and want to stay alone. The first step he is want to stay alone is
go around the hill without Popi. In his travelling, he want to give a greeting
for a nature, “Ia ingin berdamai dengan
kabut, rumput, pepohonan, gunduk, semak, dan dingin bukit. Berdamai dengan alam
untuk setiap kali mengucapkan selamat.”(Chapter 2: 28) He always also
thinks about his self. Why he should be here? Why there is Popi? What is his
purpose to do it? And still many question in his mind about his self.
day, when he gets travelling alone, he hears a soft sound that talk to him. A
man who is same like him. May be they are twin.
“Barman tak menyadari bahwa seorang laki-laki yang
berjalan dengan tongkat telah berdiri dibelakangnya. Orang itu berhenti,
mengamati Barman. Tamu itu menyentuh pundak Barman. Tidak menoleh.
“He. Apa kerjamu?” (Chapter 2: 29)
the short meeting between Barman and a man, Barman is wanted to know about the
man who was meeting him in the morning. Barman believes that the man is special
man. He is look for the man and want to make a long conversation with him.
“Barman mencoba mengingat kemana tamu pagi itu
pergi. Yah, kalau orang itu dapat ditemukannya ia akan memanggil dengan “Pak
Kelinci”. Hanya kelincilah yang mudah datang dan menghilang dalam rumput.”
(Chapter 2: 34)
the next morning, Barman is walk around the hill again. Now, his travelling is for
find the man. During the travelling, he is find an untidy house, he is come
into the house and he is take a rest there. Because of tired, Barman oversleep
and not aware that the owner of house is come. When he is wake up, he sees some
food in the table, because he not lunch yet, he eat it. After eat, when he want
to go back home, he sees an old man was sleeping in the bedroom. Right, the man
is who he was found last morning.
“Dikamar ditemukannya laki-laki tua tertidur,
kulitnya yang keriput dan tulang iganya! Laki-laki yang terbaring itu membuka
bajunya dibagian dada. “aku kenal orang ini,” piker Barman. “Ialah laki-laki
pagi itu! Ia menekuni wajah yang tertidur. Alangkah damainya! Seperti
kanak-kanak yang tak berdosa. Bibirnya melengkung sedikit keatas.” (Chapter 2:
next morning, Barman is visit to the house; hopefully he can meet with the man.
The dream is come true; Barman is meeting with this man. The man named is
Human. Here, the way to get of Sufism started. Human is teaching a lot to
Barman about how to life. Human is advice Barman more. There are many
quotations about Human say:
“Keadaanku ialah ketiadaanku” (Chapter 2: 46)
“… berjalan ialah hidup kita.” (Chapter 2: 47)
“Lupakan semuanya, bahkan dirimu. Yang ada ialah
pohon-pohon, rumput-rumput. Engkau makhluk yang paling berbahagia. Waktu ialah
hidup kita.” (Chapter 2: 47)
“Bung, kesenangan itu tak bertambah atau berkurang.
Kebahagiaan yang mutlak tak memerlukan apa-apa diluar diri kita.” (Chapter 2:
“Justru tak mengerjakan apapun. Hidup sudah selesai
bagiku.” (chapter 2: 49)
“Alam ialah Yang Maha Besar. Kita hanya bagianNya.
Jangan sedih atau gembira. Kembalilah kesana. Ia akan menerimamu. Seperti
engkau telah menerima kehadiranmu.” (Chapter 2: 53)
“Inilah kelahiranmu yang kedua! Dalam kebebasan
sejati, semurni-murninya. Seperti udara gunung, seperti air mengalir dari mata
air, seperti burung-burung di udara.” (Chapter 2: 53)
some quotations above, we can see Human want to tell that you should move on
from your life before, to the brightness life, (Hijrah). Forget your problem
about world! Leave your luxury! Be a freedom man! Be one with the nature!
quotations teach to Barman that life is once, make a meaningful life. Also,
show us that to get a Sufism the first way you should do is leave a luxury of
world. Please, go out to find your peace and comfort.
few days, Human is dying. He left Barman with a million questions in Barman’s
mind. Human bequeath his house to Barman. After Human gone forever, Barman fell
alone. He is haven’t a man who can make his fell peace and comfort. To break
his lonely, at night he’s go to the traditional market. There, Barman fell
something wrong, he fell the market life is contemptible.
“Kesunyian apakah yang sedang membantai kesibukan
pasar siang hari. Apakah orang-orangnya lelah dan tertidur seperti juga anjing
– anjing yang tekah mendapatkan makanan dari sisa – sisa, memburu betina. Lalu
tidur. Itukah cara hidup mereka? Alangkah hinanya! Mereka pasti mengantuk dan
tidak berpikir.” (Chapter 5: 100)
this wrong’s feeling, Barman want to ask everyone in this market about
happiness. This is purpose to raise the value of market’s life.
“Ia ingin mengangkat martabat sahabat-sahabatnya
dalam pasar itu. Mereka tak boleh berbahagia secara palsu dan sesat.
Kebahagiaan yang sepatutnya bagi manusia.” (Chapter 5: 102)
question from Barman to the market society. Every after ask the question,
Barman is always smile. One question and one answer. “he, berbahagiakah engkau?” the answer is “Mmm.” From this question in the next morning, the market society
is confused. Who was done it for them? Finally, with the hard analysis they
make a conclusion that the doer is Barman. After the decision, they are going
to Barman house to take a responsibility from Barman for his action. Till Barman
house, they are asking Barman about the purpose of Barman question.
“Benarkah bapak datang malam-malam kepada kami?”
Barman mengangguk.
“Apa maksud sebenarnya?”penjaga malam itu bertanya,
“Baiklah,” kata Barman. “Aku tahu apa yang kalian
maksudkan. Adalah, ketidaktahuan.”
Barman keluar rumah, dan orang-orang pun
(Chapter 5: 114)
event has made Barman have many followers. The followers want to find the peace
and comfort with Barman. They are won’t Barman leave. Without Barman they are
nothing. They are making an appointment with Barman to live together.
“Kami gelisah, Bapak! Tanpa engkau!” (Chapter 6:
“Tenanglah. Aku tidak akan meninggalkan kalian.
Hidup aku juga hidupmu. Hidupmu juga hidupku!”(Chapter 6: 121)
is successfully giving happiness to market society, but a long time, he fell
weird and uncomfortable. He is housebound.
“Suatu malam ia merasa terkurung oleh orang-orang
itu. Ia sendiri didalam kamar dibiarkan sengsara dengan kerumunan yang menuntut
sesuatu darinya.” (Chapter 6: 125)
a long day there, Barman followers are getting worried. They are beginning to
ask, for what we are here? Barman listen it. Barman being had a heart. The
morning, Barman announces that they are will do an important travelling.
“Kita akan melakukan perjalanan,” kata barman kepada
kelimpok yang mendengarkannya.”Perjalanan kita akan sepenting perjalanan hidup
seluruh manusia. Perjalanan para nabi, orang-orang arif, para filsuf.” (Chapter
6: 130)
Barman says “Perjalanan para nabi,
orang-orang arif, para filsuf,” it’s more show to us that Barman is looking
for a meaning of life. He wants to get a peace and comfort in this travelling.
In reveal of meaning of life, it does will bring him to the Sufism. In his travelling, Barman and his follower go
to the top of the hill. There, Barman for the firstly speech to the followers.
“Hidup ini tak berharga untuk dilanjutkan!” kalimat
itu diucapkan dengan hampir menjerit.
“Bunuhlah dirimu!”
short speech, the researcher assumes that “Hidup
ini tak berharga untuk dilanjutkan!” “Bunuhlah dirimu!” is not a literal
meaning but there is the explicit meaning. In this speech Barman wants to say
life in the darkness, sadness, luxury, hedonism has to stop. Because, it is not
useful. Better to find the new life, brightness, peacefully, comfortably and be
one with the nature.
Barman journey, we can make a conclusion that to get a Sufism we will through a
long journey and not easy. When we pass it, we will get a Sufism. The Sufism is
peaceful, brightness, and fell comfort where ever we are. Like Barman, through a long journey, start
from move on to the hill, meet with Human, have many followers and the last, he
is dying calmly, because he was got peaceful and has found what he looking for.
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