Primal Fear Movie is a story that has a background in a court. They were
talk about a man (an altar boy) was named Roy or Aeron. He was kill a Rushman
(an Archbishop) and he was get cough in the railway track. In the jail an
attorney (Martin Vail) comes to her and offered himself as an Aeron’s attorney.
In the other side, a women attorney was named Janet Venable want to prove that
Roy or Aeron was guilty in this case. The rivalry among Martin Vail and Janet
Venable is happening in the trial to win the case.
In this analysis, I not will talk about Aeron or Roy as conflict maker
in the movie, but I’ll focus on Janet Venable as a woman’s attorney in the movie
and his struggle to prove that Aeron or Roy is guilty. That’s called as a
Feminism Study.
“… Woman in her inevitable struggle against conventional man; and of
universal woman subject who must bring women to their senses and to their
meaning in history is called Feminism.” Cixous (Nurrachman, 2016:271). In
literature, Ratna (2015: 184) feminism is “how to understanding the literary as
a production process or reception.” Analysis mode in feminism is very many of
ways, such as social, politic, and economy.
In the Primal Fear movie, Janet Venable is described as a strong woman,
because she is in her confidence want to show that Aeron is guilty, although
she facing an arrogant attorney that has often wins the important cases. It’s
can we see in her conversation with two men I a room, (minute, 27:58 until
- I trust if I'm to
prosecute this case, I'll get the authority which comes with it.
- You're the one trying
the case. But let's establish one thing at the outset. I want the death
- - I'd like to go over
the case before we determine whether or not to seek that.
- - I'm open to anything
you have to say, but in my mind there's no debate.
- - Did the boy they
picked up say anything?
- - Yeah, he didn't do
it. It's a slam dunk, Janet.
- - Excuse me. I
appreciate your faith in me. I don't mean to be argumentative.
- - It's what we pay you
for. –
- - Open and shut, you
don't need me. The PD'll plead no contest and throw the kid on the mercy of the
- - There's not a public
- - He's got a lawyer?
Already? Who?
In this scene, we know that Janet is the only one trying the case, and
the man believe that Janet can prosecute this can and make the death penalty.
The last question in this case is ”He’s got a lawyer? Already? Who?” and the
question is answer in the next scene, when Vail come to the jail and introduces
himself as an attorney of Aeron.
After some court session, Martin Vail comes to Janet Venable and asks to
making a deal. It does can be sees in the scene 42: 47 until 43:40. It’s
showing that Martin Vail afraid to lose his great case. Indirectly, he or man
said that he lose from Janet Venable or woman.
During the battle of Martin Vail and Janet Venable in the court session,
we know that Janet is having a dominant part than Martin. It’s showing to us
the women can be a dominant attorney in the court session although the battle
is man. The dominant is Janet always rises up her voice and making the Martin
is fall silent. It’s can we know in the scene 53:15 until 55:00. There, Janet
show a big proves is a knife to kill Rushman.
- - Richard Rushman was a man of God.He spent
his life giving to the people of Chicago. He was a beacon ofinspiration, not only as
a spiritual leader...
- - My name is Martin Vail. The reason I'm
here, and the reason you're here, is to make sure the whole truth is known. We can learn the truth by
talking about what the Prosecution does not want you to hear.
- - Do not be fooled by the defendant's
innocent appearance and demeanour. Aaron Stampler sat injudgment of Archbishop Rushman and determined that not only should he
die, but he should die the most brutal...
- - We all saw Aaron being arrested minutes
after the Archbishop's death. But why? Because he was convenient and the police were
under pressure...
- - The evidence will show that Aaron Stampler
stalked, ambushed and savagely murdered this great man.
- - The Prosecution doesn't want you to hear
about the other altar boys who have mysteriously
- - At the close of evidence, you will learn that Aaron Stampler had everything he needed for the perfect assassination. Using this knife...
- - Aaron Stampler repeatedly stabbed at the
Archbishop's chest, his genitals and his eyes.
In the scene when Janet rise up his voice is in the last part in the
court session, that show (my assume) Janet win the case. But with the Aeron
trick, he changes his mind to be Roy, and the judgment think he is have a two
personality, and should go to the hospital, to get he need.
Scene 01:53:35 until 01:54:01
- - Mr Stampler, did you believe that the Archbishop wore
- - I'm sorry, what did you say?
- - Do you think he acted one way in public and another
way in private?
- - N-no, I don't think that.
- - Isn't that why you underlined the Hawthorne passage? Mr Stampler?
- - No, I did not underline that book.
- - You didn't underline it?
- - No, ma'am.
- - And you didn't carve the numbers of that passage into
his chest?
- - No, ma'am, I did not. I told you l...
- - You loved him. You
loved him like a father. Even
though he made you and your girlfriend. perform demeaning sexual acts for his own gratification.
- - No, you don't understand. He... There was no other way for him to cast out his demons.
- - He needed to get off, Aaron. That's what he was doing. That's what he needed you for. To perform like a
circus animal. That
was your function in his life.
- - N-noOh,
- - Mr Stampler, I'm gonna ask you straight because I am
tired. I've had enough of this sordidness, and I wanna go
home. And I wanna wash my hands, and I wanna forget all
about you and Archbishop Rushman. Did the Archbishop force you and your girlfriend and
others to perform sexual acts while he watched? Yes or no?
- - Yes, he did, but...
- - Yes. Yes, he forced you. He
forced you using a threat of expulsion from Savior House and a life on the street with no heat and no water and
no food. He
put you in front of a camera! He made you take off your clothes! And you don't think that's another side? Another face of a man that we all thought...
- - No! No.
- - Someone did that to me, I'd kill him. I would stab him
times with a butcher knife! I
would chop off his fingers! I would slash his throat open! I would carve numbers into his chest! I would gouge
out his eyes! I swear. But
that's me
- - No further questions.
The part aeron change to be Roy and make a disturbance
in the court, scene 01:54:05 – 01:54:27
- - Where the hell are you going? Look at me when I'm talking to you, bitch! Fuck you, lady! Come here!
- - Order! Bailiff! Order!
- Let's play rough! Come on. Back off!
- Roy! - Keep coming, and I'll break her neck!
- Come here and talk. - Fuck you, Marty! I'm walking out!
- No! No! Don't you... !
Based on the analysis, we know Janet want to showing us that a woman can be an attorney and win the cases, if he believe in his capability.
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